Created by: Michael J. Weithorn, David Litt
Starring: Annie Abrams, Shelby Adamowsky, Ali Afshar, Troy Aguayo, Ralph Ahn, Kerry Aissa, Vanessa Alatorre, Anthony Albano, Marv Albert, Shari Albert, Wil Albert, Derick Alexander, Michael Christian Alexander, Rigo Alexander, Kirstie Alley, Iris Almario, Dave Alspach, Tom Amandes, Scott F. Anderson, Susan Angelo, Bryan Anthony, Craig Anton, David Appelbaum, Michael Aronin, Jennifer Aspen, Marco Assante, Jens Austin Astrup, Scott Atkinson, Blythe Auffarth, Jeff Austin, Jillian Bach, David Bachman, Tim Bagley, Iris Bahr, Nick Bakay, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Bob Bancroft, Lisa Banes, Mookie Barker, Brendon Ryan Barrett, David S. Bateman, Shane Baumel, Orson Bean, Billy Beck, Jason Beck, Emil Beheshti, Nick Benson, Julie Benz, Peter Berg, Jenica Bergere, Sean Bergin, Peter Bergman, Julie Berlin, Shelley Berman, Earl Billings, Gerry Black, James Moses Black, Michelle Blackwell, Troy Blendell, Michael Blieden, Chris Blount, Ben Bode, Philip Bolden, Rob Boltin, Paul Bond, Angel Boris Reed, Jeff Bowser, Cayden Boyd, Michele Boyd, Peter Boyle, Sharon Brathwaite, Jonathan Bray, Peter Breitmayer, Cheryl Bricker, Angelle Brooks, Deena Brooks, Robert Brooks, Joseph R. Brown, Stephanie Brown, Jonathan Buono, Jesse Burch, Al Burke, Marcia Ann Burrs, Eric Burson, Mike Burton, Shannon Burwell, Hector Luis Bustamante, Paul Butcher, Christina Cabot, Marie Caldare, Michael Caldwell, Maylen Calienes, Bryan Callen, Cosimo Canale, Mason Canter, Joanna Canton, Juan Carlos Cantu, Andre Canty, Charlie Capen, Adam Carl, Beecey Carlson, Tucker Carlson, Mike Carlucci, John Sterling Carter, Yvette Cason, Nancy Cassaro, Mary Castro, Robert Catrini, Patrick Cavanaugh, Vince Cefalu, Gary Carlos Cervantes, Howard Chan, Melissa Chan, Alan Charof, Tom Chick, Kenneth Choi, Jan Claire, Michael Francis Clarke, Inny Clemons, Dennis Cockrum, George Coe, Mark Colson, Christopher Comes, James Michael Connor, John David Conti, Josh Cooke, Kevin Cooney, Christian Copelin, Brady Corbet, Michael Corbett, Rebecca Corry, Randy Couture, Allen Covert, Eliza Coyle, Bryan Cranston, Michael Crider, Myndy Crist, Marcia Cross, Suzanne Cryer, Jon Curry, Nadia Dajani, Marshaun Daniel, William Daniels, Peter Dante, Azalea Davila, Ken Davitian, Steffiana De La Cruz, Idalis DeLeon, Anthony De Marco, Anthony DeSantis, Torrey DeVitto, Antonio Del Prete, Marie Del Prete, Yvonne Delarosa, Loreni Delgado, Christopher DerGregorian, Dan Desmond, Timmy Deters, Hal Devi, Bobby DiVito, Bryan Dilbeck, Phil Diskin, Katherine Disque, Robert Dolan, J.D. Donaruma, Larry Dorf, Aron J. Doughty, Mia Drake, Nicole Drake, Rachel Dratch, Eddie Driscoll, Marta DuBois, Charles Duckworth, John Dullaghan, Rachel Duncan, Merrin Dungey, Peggy Dunne, Ryan Dyer, Margaret Easley, Chris Edgerly, David Eigenberg, Helen Eigenberg, Bryan Eldridge, Chris Elliott, Dick Enberg, Hayley Erin, Bill Erwin, Roger Eschbacher, S. Zev Esquenazi, Susie Essman, Erik Estrada, Matthew J. Evans, Rob Evors, Michael Fairman, Shannon Farrara, Amy Farrington, Jon Favreau, Edith Fields, Adam Ferrara, Jerry Ferrara, Carla Ferrigno, Lou Ferrigno, Joyce Fessides, Bruce Fine, Pat Finn, Steve Fix, Joe Flaherty, Dave Florek, Jackie Flynn, Dave Foley, Darrell Foster, Steve Franken, Jonathan Fraser, Jessa French, Makiko Fujisawa, Alejandro Furth, Steven M. Gagnon, Kaitlyn Gainer, Reynaldo Gallegos, Ted Garcia, Billy Gardell, Janeane Garofalo, Brad Garrett, Stephanie Garrett, Craig Gass, Patricia Gebhard, Christopher Gehrman, Louisette Geiss, Craig Gellis, Jenna Gering, Dan Gerrity, John Getz, Marla Gibbs, Erin Gibson, Tara Giordano-Dean, Tommy Girvin, Lola Glaudini, Heidi Godt, Danny Goldman, Marc Goldsmith, Arlene Golonka, Christine Gonzales, Pamela Gordon, Dana Gould, Harold Gould, Robert Goulet, Kevin Grady, Tessa Grady, Ariston Green, Jordan Green, Peter Greenwood, Matt Griesser, Jeremy Guskin, Kadyr Gutierrez, Robin Gwynne, Mark Haapala, Lori Hall, Casey Hands, Dona Hardy, Lacie Harmon, Pat Harrington, Don Harvey, Kelly Hawthorne, Mary Hay, Pam Hayashida, David Haydn-Jones, Kristina Hayes, Miss Laura Hayes, Paul Hayes, Jim Haynie, Patricia Heaton, Heidi Heller, John Hemphill, Dan Henderson, Florence Henderson, Lynn A. Henderson, Tyler Hendrickson, Scott Henry, Taj Hester, Lee Sung Hi, Esther Marie Hill, Nichelle Hines, Keisuke Hoashi, Ty Hodges, Victoria Hoffman, Ashly Holloway, Megan Holloway, Bruce Holman, Sven Holmberg, Jim Holmes, Hugh Holub, April Hong, James Hong, Steven Houska, Dennis Howard, Shawn Huang, Angee Hughes, Lillian Hurst, William Hurt, Steve Hytner, Janelle Inez, Manu Intiraymi, Dom Irrera, Robert Ito, George Ives, Jeanine Jackson, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, Michael Dean Jacobs, Kevin James, Nick Jameson, Mary Ann Jarou, Ksenia Jarova, Peter Jessop, Brannon Johnson, Greg Allen Johnson, Lauri Johnson, J.J. Johnston, Bill A. Jones, Kathryn Joosten, Michael Kagan, Jamie Kaler, Kymberly Kalil, Darlene Kardon, Lisa Kaseman, Robert Katims, Lainie Kazan, Brandon Keener, Eric Keenleyside, Ken-Ali, Ken Kerman, Roland Kickinger, Vanessa Kinan, Benjamin King, Dan Kinsella, Bob Kirsh, Jack Kissell, Robert Klein, Cody Klop, Joey Kola, Branden Weslee Kong, Pamela Kosh, Michael Kostroff, Randy Kovitz, Eric Allan Kramer, Daniella Kuhn, Emily Kuroda, Ricki Lake, Madison Lanc, James Lancaster, Deborah Landis, Peggy Lane, Ted Lange, Anzu Lawson, Susan Lay, Katie Layman, Charmin Lee, Dan Leegant, Wesley Leong, Sam Lerner, Barry Alan Levine, Patrick Levis, Ashlee Levitch, Mary-Margaret Lewis, Hal Linden, Jay London, Lisa Long, Brandy Lopez, Jonathan Loughran, Michael Lowry, Cindy Lu, Derek Luke, Jayden Lund, Roger Lundblade, Omari Lyles, Jane Lynch, Hayes MacArthur, Andy Mackenzie, Gavin MacLeod, Darcas Macopson, Sharon Madden, Natalina Maggio, Dom Magwili, Michael C. Mahon, Michele Maika, Ossie Mair, Tyler Cole Malinger, Jon Manfrellotti, David Manis, Alex Craig Mann, J.P. Manoux, Frankie Ryan Manriquez, Carol Mansell, Braeden Marcott, Lesli Margherita, Joe Marinelli, P.J. Marino, Greg Markles, Roger Marks, Sandy Marks, Melissa Marsala, Karen Maruyama, Nelson Mashita, Sanya Mateyas, Tim Matheson, James Mathis III, Dakin Matthews, Dawn Maxey, Patricia McBride, Steve McCammon, John McCann, Eddie McClintock, Michael McClure, Carlos McCullers II, John C. McDonnell, Andrew McFarlane, Juston McKinney, Sam McMurray, Robert McMurrer, Anne Meara, Seth Menachem, Mauricio Mendoza, Zilah Mendoza, Jessica Alyce Merrill, Michael Merton, Rebecca Metz, Bess Meyer, Norma Michaels, Davis Mikaels, Thomas Mills, Stephen Milton, Richie Minervini, Patricia Mizen, Diane Mizota, Armando Molina, Eddie Money, Tim Monsion, Clea Montville, Tina Morasco, David Moreland, Lon Moriarty, Mary Morrissey, Steve Mosko, Kenneth Moskow, Mary Mouser, Julie Mullen, Antonio Munoz, Mandy Musgrave, Andrea Mussorici, Suzy Nakamura, Weston Nathanson, Adrian Neil, Christopher Neiman, Sue Nelson, Ken Neufeld, Larry Newman, William Newman, Alexa Nikolas, Robin Lee Noll, Michele Nordin, Sean O'Bryan, Steve O'Connor, John F. O'Donohue, Jake O'Flaherty, Jenny O'Hara, Kerry O'Malley, Mike O'Meara, Nick Offerman, Natsuko Ohama, Fred Ornstein, Laura Orrico, Kate Orsini, Donny Osmond, Deborah Ostrowsky, Patton Oswalt, Laura Otis, Tom Owen, Jason Packham, Edward Padilla, Angelo Pagan, Aaron Page, Sam Pancake, Benjamin John Parrillo, Daniel Passer, Shawn Michael Patrick, Steve Paymer, Jason Peck, Jason Peirce, Hector Penate, Eddie Pepitone, Erik Per Sullivan, Dwain A. Perry, Anna Pheil, Graham Phillips, Joseph C. Phillips, Mark Phinney, Jacqueline Pinol, Patricia Place, Linda Porter, Anthony Powers, Judy Prescott, Douglas Price, Deanna Pritzker, Al Pugliese, Scott Rabinowitz, Charlotte Rae, Victor Raider-Wexler, Ford Rainey, Hans Raith, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Ellen Ratner, Alex Rayfiel, Michael James Reed, Scott Reeves, Dennis Regan, Kimi Reichenberg, Judge Reinhold, Leah Remini, Nicole Remini, Dee Dee Rescher, Rock Reuben, Andrew Reville, Burt Reynolds, Christopher Riccio, Lisa Rieffel, Jack Ritter, Raoul N. Rizik, Annmarie Rizzo, Daryl Keith Roach, Damani Roberts, Desmond Roberts, Doris Roberts, Eric Roberts, Michael R. Robinson, Charles Rocket, Daniel Roebuck, Larry Romano, Ray Romano, Christine Romeo, Cristine Rose, Julia Rose, Erin Ross, Jason Ross-Azikiwe, Richard Rossi, Janet Rotblatt, Bas Rutten, Alexandra Ryan, Joe Sabatino, Andrea Sabesin, Brad Sachs, Soledad St. Hilaire, Pat Sajak, Fred Saldone, Dahlia Salem, Lou Saliba, Melissa Samuels, Adam Sandler, Jackie Sandler, Todd Sandler, Angela Sargeant, Andrea Savage, Barbara Savage, Steve Schirripa, Carol Schlanger, Kevin G. Schmidt, Monika Schnarre, Peter Scolari, Codie Scott, Esther Scott, Shira Scott Astrof, Neil Sedaka, Steven Sellas, Albie Selznick, Erica Shaffer, Hope Shapiro, Sheila Shaw, Steven Shaw, Judith Shekoni, Parry Shen, Duane R. Shepard Sr, Jennifer Shon, Jimmy Shubert, Robert Silver, Laura Silverman, Jennifer Simard, Jon Simanton, Jacquelyn Simley, Trisha Simmons, Opender Singh, Dennis Singletary, Alex Skuby, Daniel E. Smith, Darrell M. Smith, Malcolm Foster Smith, Maurice G. Smith, Peter James Smith, Mike Soccio, Lucille Soong, Michael Sorce, Mindy Spence, Sarah Spiegel, Jim Staahl, Brandon Stacy, David Stenstrom, Mindy Sterling, James Castle Stevens, Amy Stiller, Ben Stiller, Jerry Stiller, Fred Stoller, Elizabeth Storm, Wendall Strong, Brian Paul Stuart, Isaak Suleymanov, Nicole Sullivan, Carol Ann Susi, Christen Sussin, Jim Swift, Cynthia Szigeti, Jennifer Tabe, Chris Tallman, Steve Tancora, Elisa Taylor, James Arnold Taylor, Sandra Taylor, Melody Thomas Scott, Cooper Thornton, Jason Tobin, Steve Tom, Concetta Tomei, Peter Tork, Nick Toth, Brooke Totman, Frank Trigg, Robbie Troy, Jennifer Tung, Frantz Turner, Jim Turner, Mandy June Turpin, Nicholas Turturro, Nikki Tyler-Flynn, Alexandria Tyson, Greg Vaccariello, Brenda Vaccaro, Gary Valentine, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Rachel Veltri, Maura Vincent, Robert Vincenti, Tom Virtue, Elyssa D. Vito, Richard Voigts, Ilia Volok, Geoffrey Wade, George D. Wallace, Kevin Michael Walsh, Lolly Ward, Cameron Watson, Blayne Weaver, Bree Michael Weaver, Jeff Weidermann, Ken Weiler, Shaun Weiss, Nina Weithorn, James Wellington, Sandy Wernick, Adam West, Ron West, Al White, Gregory White, Vanna White, Tanya Whitford, Courtney Wieden, Wayne Wilderson, Bill Wiley, Ginger Williams, Victor Williams, Paul Willson, Rain Denise Wilson, Mark Withers, Jeff Witzke, Philip Wofford, Chaz Wolcott, Steven Wollenberg, Lenny Wolpe, James Wong, Jody Wood, Dana Michael Woods, Michael Worth, Greg Wrangler, David Grant Wright, Rhiannon Leigh Wryn, Ping Wu, Jasmine Wynd, Jamison Yang, Michael Yavnielli, Nancy Yee, Francine York, Karen Yum, Grace Zabriskie, Kara Zediker, Todd Zeile, Constance Zimmer
207 episodes
(TV-14 - adult language, adult themes, adult situations)
Doug and Carrie Heffernan are a working-class couple living at "3121 Aberdeen Street" in Rego Park, Queens, New York, along with Carrie's father, Arthur Spooner. Doug works for the fictional International Parcel Service (IPS) as a delivery driver, while Carrie works as a secretary in Manhattan, first for a law firm and later for a real estate firm. Their lives are plagued by the demands of Arthur; so much so that they eventually hire Holly, a professional dog walker, to spend time with him as she walks dogs in the park. Doug Heffernan represents the "everyman" with his love of sports, TV, junk food, and his wife. His constant deceit and schemes through various situations leave him humiliated as his plans backfire.
season 1 -
Doug Heffernan gets a 70-inch TV to make his sport's basement dream complete, but the dream turns into a nightmare when Carrie's father moves into the basement. When Doug finds out that the women on Carrie's side of the family become overweight in their lives, he tries to keep Carrie from being overweight. When Carrie keeps skipping softball games with Doug and the guys, Doug wonders what's going on. When Doug finds out that Richie's wife cheats on him, he must confront him with the news. However, Doug has some trouble telling his friend about his girlfriend. Doug's favorite aunt, Sheila, begins to date Arthur. Doug tries to get Carrie to pay more bedroom attention to him by becoming Arthur's "playmate". Can Doug withstand Arthur's crazy amusement? Doug and Carrie remember when he proposed to her after a jeweler offers more money for the ring than Doug had originally paid. Carrie registers herself and Doug for a class at the community college when she begins to think that they're becoming dumb and boring. Doug has a hard time with it, but luckily Spence in also in the class. Doug regrets helping Ray Barone cheat on his driving test. Meanwhile, Arthur's neediness hinder's Carrie's studying. Doug, Carrie and Arthur have an extraordinary day in the supermarket while shopping for Thanksgiving. Its the Christmas season and Doug and Carrie have their eyes on a new car, but when they find out they can't afford it Arthur surprises them with something quite unexpected. Carrie arranges a blind date for Spence with Jenny, one of Carrie's co-workers. Doug, Carrie, Arthur, Deacon and Kelly are going to the wedding of Todd, an old friend of Carrie and Kelly. Just before going to the wedding, Doug finds out Carrie once had sex with Todd. The dog of the new neighbors keeps Doug and Carrie up all night. Arthur thinks Charles Schultz based Peanuts on him. Doug has planned to watch a wrestling match on the same day Carrie turns 30. Doug's romantic plans with Carrie are hijacked by Veronica, who has planned a last-minute surprise party for Spence. Arthur meets a woman at a Senior Center dance. Carrie gets a ticket and since it's her fourth, the car insurance will be doubled. Doug is cross with Carrie about this and when the cop who gave Carrie the ticket wants to go out with her, Doug insists she goes out with him. Doug gets a promotion. Carrie is thrilled with this, Doug however doesn't like the job. At the same moment he has Richie over to talk about his divorce trouble, Ray Barone calls Doug to play golf. This is a tough call for Doug. Doug doesn't like that Carrie isn't jealous when Doug's new trainee is a very pretty girl. Meanwhile, Arthur has his own millennium problem...with a tombstone. Carrie's boss invites Doug and Carrie to a cocktail party. Doug, plagued by enormous hunger since he hasn't eaten all day, behaves far from perfect. Tim and Dorothy from next door offer Doug and Carrie their house at the beach because they are divorcing. Carrie and Doug began to realize how much they miss spending time just the two of them, so they try to get Arthur out of the house as much as possible. Arthur almost gets Doug fired and because of that Doug says how he really feels about Arthur. Arthur then decides to move out. Doug and Carrie consider having a baby.
season 2 -
Doug's recent purchase of a motorcycle angers Carrie, but soon after, Doug secretly gets tired of it. Arthur gets a job at pretzel shop. Carrie is sad because she has no friends to hang out with her. Doug decides to introduce Carrie to a woman who just moved into the neighborhood. Carrie spends a lot of time with her new friend which makes Doug jealous. Doug is messing around at work with a stapler gun and accidentally gets shot in an unlikely place. Deacon and Kelly ask Doug and Carrie if they would be godparents of their two children, but Doug and Carrie are not sure if they're right for the job. Doug gets very upset with Carrie after he sees that his big screen TV is stolen after Carrie left the garage door open. Arthur accidentally hears Doug call him a "Demented Old Circus Monkey" so Doug tries to make it up to him. When Doug and Carrie go on vacation to celebrate their anniversary, they decide to take their friends Deacon and Kelly which turns out to be a big mistake. It's double the havoc when Ray and Debra Barone come and visit Doug and Carrie. Doug's ego gets boosted when he gets checked out by a waitress. Doug doesn't want friends of Carrie to stay for the Thanksgiving weekend and convinces Spence he should get a place of his own and that he can stay with Doug and Carrie until he has found one. Doug's bowling team bowls just for fun and is financially supported by the local ale house, but now they threaten to no longer support them if they continue to be on a constant losing streak. The Christmas season is upon Doug and Carrie and they decide they should invest in stock, but they soon feel the joys and stresses of it. Arthur wants to decorate the house with more Christmas items. When Danny reveals he is getting married, Doug gets stuck being the best man at the last second, and must throw Danny a bachelor party. It's Doug's high school football reunion and he boasts about his famous block. But everyone besides him remembers his now handicapped ex-team mate making the block. Doug tries to find proof on some old tapes. Because it's very cold, Arthur gets to sleep in Carrie's office, which is right across Doug and Carrie's bedroom. Doug doesn't like this and can't wait for some warmth so Arthur can get back to his basement. At a board game evening Doug finds out Carrie cheats. Carrie doesn't come clean about this to Doug which makes Doug a bit edgy, especially since there's another board game evening planned. It's Valentines day and Doug and Carrie reminisce about the first time they met and how it really wasn't love at first sight. Doug and Carrie make new friends and are afraid if their other friends, Deacon and Kelly are moving in on them. Arthur gets a shipment of his old favorite, salty cereal. Arthur's 75th birthday is coming up and Doug and Carrie decide to throw him a surprise party, but their in for a rude awakening when two of the invited guests are at each others throats and they can't find Arthur! Though he has promised Carrie to go to the theater, Doug goes to Atlantic City with Deacon to gamble. Carrie accidentally tells the wrong Doug she loves him. Doug volunteers to be a Big Brother. Doug and Carrie have dinner with their annoying neighbors and Doug gets involved in a pyramid scheme when Tim starts convincing him on how much of a great idea it is. Carrie gets angry at a waiter and the manager at a recently found favorite restaurant of Doug's. So Carrie bans him from ever going there again. When a colleague has gotten flowers (which she initially thought were for her), Carrie is disappointed and Doug tries to show his romantic side. Meanwhile, Arthur has jury duty. Doug sees someone driving an R.V. and decides he wants to buy one for himself and Carrie's vacation, however Carrie is planning a trip to Paris for their vacation. So in deciding where to go, they flip a coin.
season 3 -
When Doug does the voice of a new co-worker, he feels that Carrie will only listen to him if he does the voice. Doug now wonders if Carrie is still attracted to him. When Doug's boss sees what a comedian he is, he asks him to "roast" him at his banquet. However, Doug finds that he is not as funny as he first thought. Will Doug be able to "roast" his boss? Doug is offended that Carrie wants him to lose weight, so he vows to lose thirty pounds. In the process, Doug gives Carrie a remark that she wears too much make up to settle the score. Carrie decides to return to college, with very little time to get things done. While Doug's company is in strict negotiations, he decides to buy a brand new SUV. When Carrie finds out, she demands him to take it back. At this time, IPS has gone on strike. Now Doug is out of work. It is week two of the IPS strike, and Doug still has not gotten a job. To get back on his feet, his sister Stephanie get him a substitute teacher job at her school. However, it is a high school, and the kids are not so nice. Can Doug survive? Carrie and Kelly decide to have Arthur, Doug, and Deacon spend the whole day together. However, their plan backfires, because the three of them become uncontrollable delinquents. Doug, Carrie and Arthur are thinking about the first Thanksgiving they (and Arthur's second wife Lily) spend together. Doug and Carrie watch Deacon and Kelly's kids while they are out of town. When one of the kids sees them making love in the Palmers' bedroom, they must keep him from telling his parents. When Arthur goes to Carrie's work he is offered a job there, which really begins to irritate her. Doug competes to be Mr. April for IPS but Deacon is in the way of him getting it. It's the Christmas season and the Heffernan's see that they have a new neighbor who happens to be Lou Ferrigno. Doug and Carrie run into an annoying couple who are happening to get married. The couple invite them and Doug and Carrie say they will be there for sure. In order to watch the upcoming Super Bowl on a high-definition television, Doug hatches a plan to have his sister Stephanie date Carrie's wealthy boss. Doug is going to throw a paint ball party for Deacon. However, Doug becomes angry at Carrie because she finds Deacon attractive. Doug sees Deacon with another woman while he told Kelly he had to work late. Carrie bans sex for two weeks because she's afraid she and Doug don't talk enough. When Doug lies to Carrie so he can play mud football, he gets sick and starts feeling guilty. Doug tells Carrie he doesn't agree with the way she treats Arthur and because of that Carrie lets Doug take care of Arthur. Doug receives an offer from FedEx and tells his IPS boss that if he wont give Doug a better route than he will transfer to FedEx. During Deacon and Kelly's separation, Doug and Carrie go out with Kelly and run into a guy, Bill, Carrie knows from work. Bill and Kelly end up going on a date. Doug's parents are coming in town so Doug and Carrie decide to go and pick them up at the airport and they bring upsetting news to Doug. A hurricane destroys the backyards of the Heffernans and the Sackskys. When Carrie becomes cool with their idea of a combined backyard, they retaliate by installing ground pool. Danny's father Stu asks Doug to arrange a job interview for Danny at IPS. Doug however doesn't want Danny to work with him. Carrie finds out she is pregnant but she thinks it's not the right time to have a child. Meanwhile, Deacon and Kelly begin to reconcile. A second job being a limousine driver, Arthur asking him to make a lavatory in the basement, supporting Carrie and realizing he'll be a father in a few months all becomes too much for Doug.
season 4 -
In an effort to spend more time with Carrie, Doug hires Holly to walk Arthur. The plan backfires, however when Carrie starts spending more on her own endeavors than with Doug. Doug surprises Carrie with laser eye surgery for her birthday. In an effort to save money, he chooses a cheaper doctor which results in a very worried couple when her sight does not return properly. Doug is on course to break the record for the number of days without an "incident" - no complaints and no broken packages. The older members of the IPS depot aren't too happy that Doug is going to break the record held by their friend. The friendship between Doug & Carrie and Deacon & Kelly is seriously tested when Doug smashes Deacon and Kelly's car. Carrie brings Doug to her company retreat for the weekend. Carrie tries to get Doug to look like a successful person, but he puts on a bad show. Arthur has a minor heart attack after being frightened by Doug on Halloween. While Arthur is in hospital, Carrie starts doubting that she still loves him. After looking in his room and finding a letter sent by her university accepting her onto a course, It's revealed that he hid this for his own selfish reasons. Doug and Carrie decide to install a hidden camera in the basement to monitor Arthur. The time is set prior to Doug and Carrie's marriage. Carrie is very nervous to be married to Doug. She can not stop vomiting. When the two meet with the priest, he remembers that Doug and Carrie met at camp as kids. When Doug and Carrie's plane makes a rough landing, Doug takes the oxygen mask all for himself. However, their plane was on the ground. Carrie's boss requests her to get Doug to be an expert witness in a court case, however, Carrie feels unsure on how he will do. Doug and Carrie want to conceive, but receive another negative pregnancy result. Carrie grows jealous when Spence's girlfriend recruits Doug to test her culinary work. Deacon asks Doug to come along to Atlantic City for a weekend. Carrie wants to go salsa dancing with him, but grudgingly concurs with Doug's wishes and goes with them to Atlantic City. Deacon and Kelly are still separated and Doug takes a very depressed Deacon to some clubs. Doug really gets in the groove and makes a habit of it, with or without Deacon. Doug and Carrie sneak off to New Orleans without Doug's cousins after reneging on a deal to travel with them. The trip turns into a struggle to stop the family members knowing. Carrie's work has an annual golf trip, but Doug and Carrie used to always take Deacon and Kelly. Now that Deacon and Kelly have split up, Doug and Carrie have to try to find another couple to invite to the golf trip. Uncle Stu is willing to pay for Doug's dream: his own sandwich shop! Carrie doesn't think this is a good idea but is afraid to tell Doug. Doug's parents are visiting for a week while Carrie is on a business trip. At his work, Doug learns all personnel will have to take a test. Doug discovers Carrie is much more fun if she drinks a cocktail, or two. Doug and Spence have attend a high school reunion, but Spence doesn't want to go because he had a relationship that ended very badly. Doug is looking forward to the reunion, until Carrie starts wearing a new hairdo. Doug and Carrie donate enough money to Kirby's school library to become patrons of it. However, on the plaque they're only listed as friends. Doug takes a one hundred dollars from his and Carrie's savings stash to bet on boxing. When it turns out that Doug's new dentist once had a crush on Carrie, Doug thinks he hurts him on purpose. Carrie's and Arthur's constant fighting is starting to frustrate Doug, so Arthur is taken to a therapist to discuss why he has to yell and act up all the time.
season 5 -
Doug gets Arthur to accompany him in his bed because he can't sleep without Carrie. After their neighbors hear Doug and Carrie in a big fight, Carrie tries to convince the neighbors, Mike and Debi that they are better than that; Arthur gets Spence to let him ride the subway for free. After she gets the raise she prayed for, Carrie starts praying for all kinds of things. Doug can't help himself and starts praying for petty things as well. Deacon brings his son over to Doug and Carrie's house after foot ball practice, and Deacon begins to complain about how Kirby hates it. So Deacon asks Doug to help him teach the team. Doug begins to love the sport again...a little too much. While Carrie has to babysit the boss's son, Doug flirts with an ugly girl at the bowling alley to make her feel better. Spence bought TiVo and can't wait to see what TiVo will record for him. Carrie and a guy (Curt) from her office get along well and when Doug finds out people at Carrie's office call Curt Carrie's 'work husband' he feels threatened. Even though he knows Curt is gay. Doug and Carrie run into an ex-girlfriend of Doug from high school. She still has contact with Doug's mom, who's coming to town. Out of boredom Doug makes a very waggish picture of himself at a wedding, and he lets Danny take the blame. Carrie and Doug have four tickets for a month to the Knicks games and try to find the perfect couple to join them. Deacon wants to give his kids a great Thanksgiving but can't do it all by himself. Doug loans him Carrie. Carrie turns out to be more than Deacon bargained for. It's almost Christmas and there is a lot of confusion about who's getting who a gift and what the gift may be. Carrie persuades Doug to see a therapist about his eating habits. Meanwhile, Arthur tries to control his addiction to nasal spray. Carrie is nervous about an upcoming job evaluation but Doug can't be bothered because he's desperately trying to get everybody to come to his Super Bowl party. Doug and Carrie pick up some of their photos, but soon they find out, it's not their photos, but photos of another couple. On Valentine's Day, Carrie has to cancel dinner with Doug because he and Deacon have to deliver 2 penguins to Albany. While Doug and Carrie are on vacation with friends, Arthur calls Doug to say there's a mold problem in the basement that will cost $ 7,000 to fix. Doug and Carrie have to pay $12,000 for the mold problem and Doug reluctantly asks his father for financial support. Doug and Carrie have hired Russian workers to fix the mold problem. However, the workers do not have the working moral Doug and Carrie expected. When Doug tells Carrie he sometimes lies because he's afraid of her, they decide to be supportive to one another. After Danny gets a job working at IPS with Doug, he is able to do Doug's route faster than Doug can. Carrie starts buying and returning clothes so she can wear expensive clothing without paying for it. Arthur reveals he has a half-brother named Skitch whom he has a house with. This makes Doug think that Arthur should move in with Skitch. The only problem is that Arthur hates Skitch and doesn't want to live there. Doug and Carrie take a trip to Florida to visit Doug's parents. Doug finds out quite a few secrets from his childhood. Spence asks Arthur to help with the meeting of his girlfriend Denise and Spence's mom. Doug manipulates Carrie via Arthur to get things done his way. After their bed breaks and Doug and Carrie are temporarily sleeping in separate beds, they start to like the idea of doing things alone.
season 6 -
Doug takes Carrie out for a romantic holiday to a place they visited ten years ago. Doug and Carrie end up lost in the woodland and go their separate ways, only to reunite at the end. While Spence isn't happy with Denise's new job waiting tables, Doug can't handle the fact that Arthur and Carrie are better at ping pong than he is. Doug and Carrie want to renew their vows. Deacon finds the opportunity to sleep with a very attractive woman; knowing this, Doug finds out that Kelly wishes to get back with Deacon. Doug pretends to work at Carrie's law firm to play on the company's softball team. Carrie finally has a good gynecologist, but she's afraid she'll lose him when Danny - whom he hired for some garden work via her - overprices him. While Carrie is worried she might lose her job, Doug lost the koosh ball Deacon got from his son and tries to get it back. At Thanksgiving, a shabby looking man asks Doug if he can use their telephone to call a friend because his car broke down. Carrie doesn't trust the man. When Carrie is having trouble getting a new job, she decides to take some time off to find herself. But Doug notices that Carrie begins to become very lazy and does not do one thing that she said she was gonna do. Carrie gets a temp job at IPS, and Doug feels she's around him all the time. Meanwhile, Arthur wants a family Christmas photo and will have anybody in it with him. When Doug wants to buy a chainsaw, Carrie reminds him that, when she says "No" about something, Doug can't argue on it due to the first house they bought when he and Carrie first married. It was a complete disaster. Arthur has won $2,500 and wants Doug and Carrie to buy a new refrigerator. Doug and Carrie babysit Major and Kirby every once in a while and feel it's only right if Deacon and Kelly watch Arthur every now and then. While at an art gallery, Carrie bumps into a woman and they start talking. It turns out to be an ex of Doug. Doug's in the hospital. When Carrie visits him, he's asleep. He's dreaming of and talking about a whole bunch of girls. On his new route, Doug has to deliver to a man who always opens the door wearing only a towel. Carrie starts out as a dog walker. Arthur has a grave to sell. Without knowing it, Deacon becomes friends with Doug's elementary school arch-enemy. Doug and Carrie go on spring break holiday to Doug's parents. Carrie however wants to sleep in a hotel. Arthur makes a fool of himself while Carrie has a job interview and at home Carrie calls Arthur a lousy father. While Doug tries to sabotage Carrie's plans to befriend her new colleagues, Spence and Danny nurture Arthur to tempt girls. Doug, Deacon, Danny and Spence are headed for Memphis so Spence can tell Denise, who's about to get married, they belong together. Arthur and Doug are participating in a shuffleboard tournament. Holly has been kicked out of her apartment and gets to stay in the basement with Arthur. Doug sees the advantages of having two women in his house.
season 7 -
Doug takes Carrie to a spa because he needs credit to go to Las Vegas with the guys. Doug feels neglected when Carrie works overtime and seems to even like her job. While on his way to an overeating support group Doug notices an abusive relationship group and joins them instead. While Carrie is very pleased when she gets her own assistant, Doug isn't happy with a new and funny colleague. Carrie brings Doug to one of her work parties, but Doug forgets one of Carrie's co-workers names so he fakes cardiac arrest. Doug's parents come to visit, when Doug's dad goes to enter a model train competition, Arthur keeps Doug's mom busy. Doug thinks a midget stole his wallet. When Doug and Carrie notice that their really good friends Deacon and Kelly are spending time with a new couple, Doug and Carrie do whatever they can do to find new friends. Doug buys a new cologne which seems to impress everyone who smells it except Carrie. Arthur shows Spence and Holly how to sneak into movie theaters. Carrie hires a maid, Doug does too! Doug pursues his dream of becoming a bartender. Meanwhile Arthur wants to become chairman of the senior center. When the Heffernans begin working out with the Ferrigno's, Doug secretly makes a pact with Lou so he can sit around instead of working out. Carrie discovers a romantic line Doug once said when they were dating comes from a film where the main character said it to a monkey. Meanwhile, Danny falls for Holly and thinks she feels the same way about him. When Doug delivers a package to his old high school, Doug reminisces about the time when he went there and played football, which makes him act very childish. Carrie turns 35 and doesn't like it, at all. Deacon finds a new friend and Spence convinces Doug that the reason his has been spending time with him is that he is black; Carrie's mani/pedicurist 'cancels' her. Carrie gets Doug to take Arthur on a recently won game tickets and trip to St. Louis after they make a deal that he never has to do anything with him any more. Carrie gets Holly to go with her to Lowe's secretly because of her large van. A masculine waitress at a restaurant frightens Doug. Arthur and George pull a casino party to earn some extra cash which ends up backfiring. During a snow storm: Carrie gets an iPod for free after a cashier is busy talking on the phone and accidentally does not scan it, but Carrie's guilty conscience gets the best of her. Carrie has a work event at a ball park, and she's trying very hard to impress a client, but Doug makes it very difficult. When Doug finds out that he can earn a free Plasma screen TV at a timeshare ski resort, he tricks Carrie into going. But they both find out it will be difficult in getting that TV when the sales people enter the picture. When a man across the street dies, Carrie and Doug buy the house so they can sell it and make a lot of money.
season 8 -
Doug wants Carrie to take pole dancing lessons so she can give shows for him in the bedroom. Doug and Carrie consider marriage counseling while Arthur wants to direct (and act in) a play at the senior center. Carrie learns that when they were dating, Doug lied to her about his (un)employment status to get her in bed. Doug finds out that Jared does not like him, so he tries to become friends with the guy but comes on too strong. Deacon gets a sandwich named after him at Cooper's, infuriating Doug. Holly announces she is moving away with her boyfriend, but Carrie is not fond of the idea and Arthur cannot seem to say good-bye. Spence wants to go to a Fantasy Fest with Lou Ferrigno but dumps him after Adam West agrees to go to the Fest with Spence. Meanwhile Doug frequently visits a very pretty hairdresser. Doug and Carrie's weekend at a quaint bed and breakfast turns out to be less than desirable. Worse, they do not feel comfortable about leaving because they are the only people at the inn for the entire weekend. Doug and Carrie try to get Deacon and Kelly to buy the house next to them, but a couple with eight kids moves in instead. Meanwhile Danny and Spence compete over a girl from Albania named Zana. Doug and Carrie decide to go out to a karaoke club, where Doug's singing catches the attention of a stranger, who then becomes obsessed with Doug. Carrie goes away with Arthur to visit her mothers grave and finds out she's not who she thinks she is. Doug and Ray spend the weekend trying to pick up girls, attempting to outdo each other in a nightclub. Carrie is asked to bake a cake for the church bake sale, but she cannot bake. Doug borrows the baby Danny is sitting to prove to Carrie he'd make a good dad. After Carrie is told she might not get a promotion because of her accent she seeks Spence for help. Doug's mom comes to visit and after seeing her play poker, Doug takes her to Vegas to hustle some people out of their money. Doug, Deacon, Spence and Danny all secretly rent an apartment, but soon Deacon, Spence and Danny move out and Doug lives by himself. Carrie tries to sell a condo to Kirstie Alley but it turns out to be more work than she expected. Doug and Carrie hire an exterminator to rid their house of bed bugs. Spence and Danny try to decide where to go on vacation. After Carrie pushes Doug down the stairs she starts to feel guilty, and Doug milks it for all he can get. On the party for their eleventh anniversary, Doug and Carrie get a portrait of the two of them from Deacon and Kelly. They dislike it so much they stage a fake robbery to get rid of it. While they're having dinner at a restaurant a man who's in wigs tells Doug Carrie's hair is worth $3,000 dollars. It's Doug's 40th birthday and Carrie begins to try to make Doug realize that he should start wanting to do more with his life. So Doug decides he wants to ride a roller coaster that he was to afraid to ride when he was younger. Doug and Deacon discover they have more in common with each other's wives than their own, so they start hanging out with each other's wives as well. Doug crashes Carrie's weekend company retreat, not realising she's blown it off for a relaxing day with her girlfriends. Doug befriends a driver from one of IPS' competitors, but eventually discovers it's just a ruse to make him the butt of a joke. Carrie is finally fed up with Arthur, so she decides to put him in a retirement home. Doug, of course, is excited but after a touching story told by Arthur, Doug tries to decide whether or not Arthur should go.
season 9 -
When Carrie insists that Doug figure out how to invest their tax return check, Doug decides to buy an ice cream truck from a stranger. Things get out of hand as Doug frantically tries to stop a woman who claims to have spent a romantic weekend with him from calling the house. Carrie gets upset because one of her fellow secretaries "steals her moxie" and gets a promotion, and everything at IPS falls apart after Doug temporarily takes over the office. Deacon and Kelly don't want Doug around Major anymore after he inadvertently scares him, and Arthur begins a new business selling senior citizen services to carpoolers. Doug adopts a dog at a block party to look like a better person, without telling Carrie. After Doug turns the dog into him (lazy) the couple tries to find a way to get rid of it. An unflattering picture by Major prompts Arthur to ask Doug and Carrie for braces. Meanwhile, Kelly hires an out-of-work Spence to help out around the house. When Deacon and Kelly buy a vacation home, Carrie is upset because they could have easily afforded it, but they were too cheap. After almost running over a chicken on the highway, Doug becomes more animal-sensitive and decides to become a vegetarian. It's Doug's high school reunion, and he's going "Stag", while Carrie relaxes at home and tries to watch a movie with Arthur. Carrie wants to move to an apartment in Manhattan, but Doug wants to stay in Queens. Their impasse makes them realize they have very different ideas about their future. Carrie moves to Manhattan but Doug refuses to leave the house in Queens. Ultimately they find the one thing that will keep them together--or so it seems. Carrie discovers that their Chinese baby is ready for adoption, but Doug wants to end the marriage because she didn't give up her apartment in Manhattan. Meanwhile, Arthur is forced to find a replacement bride for his wedding. With Doug and Carrie moving towards divorce, there are only two options. On a flight to China can they come together to make a double or nothing bet?
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